COVID-19 Response Plan Template for Care Facilities


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This COVID-19 Response Plan Template provides the ideal framework for your care facility to respond swiftly and effectively to changing COVID-19 requirements.  This Response Plan Template aims to assist care homes and facilities to protect Residents, Staff members, visitors, and other service providers, and to implement measures to curb and prevent the spread of the virus. This template is the ideal starting point for developing a COVID-19 Response Plan that responds to the specific needs of your facility.

The template includes a monitoring framework to provide frequent and systematic information on reporting requirements and changes, and to inform rapid adjustments to protocols, including identifying and responding to positive cases, visitation, sanitizing protocols, etc.

This template includes the following:

  • Goals of the Response Plan
  • How to use the plan
  • Signs and symptoms
  • COVID-19 environment
  • Responsible Staff member/s
  • S.P.I.C.E
  • Reporting requirements
  • Appendices
    • COVID-19 Policy
    • Control measures
    • Induction, familiarization and training requirements
    • dealing with a suspected case of COVID-19
    • Symptom monitoring log for staff members

Disclaimer:  This template is meant to provide general guidance for care facilities to respond efficiently and effectively to changing COID-19 protocols.  It should be used as a reference. Please note that it doesn’t take into account all relevant local, state, or federal laws.  It is not a legal document and does not contain any legal advice. Neither the author nor The WrittenHouse will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this template.


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